Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hello. How are you?

Here are some images from Orissa. I'm about five entries behind. I never was good on a deadline.
Two Bonda women share the stories and traditions of their people.
Chris and Anneke and about 350 new friends at a home for tribal orphans, mostly girls, who are often "thrown away", because they are not as valued as men in many tribal cultures.


McEvoy said...
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McEvoy said...

You found the Indian Improv troupe "Sirens." I can't wait to show the girls. I should have sent you both with t-shirts. (I had to delete my last comment due to unfortunate spelling errors, it's still showing up, oh well)

sly said...

That pic of the Bonda (sp?) women is SO beautiful. I love all of these posts so much. MFA in creative non-fiction in your future, perhaps?

I've forgotten when you come home. After Chris' b-day, which is Monday, right? Anyway, Happy up-coming b-day, Chris!!! I can't wait to hear, read, and see more!