Thursday, July 5, 2007

How did you ever get Grandpa to India?!

Next stop: Delhi!

We're leaving in two days, so I just wanted to fit one last post in before we take off. In case you ever decide to take up globe-trotting, here are some of the important things we've had to do to get prepared:

- Make sure passports are in order.
- Spend day at Indian consulate to get visas.
- Get shots.
- Get prescriptions for drugs that will save our lives if we get bitten by a malaria carrying mosquito or eat too much parasite soup.
- Buy and study several travel books.
- Deliver cat to friendly woman in Queens.
- Check weather in Kolkata daily (ack!).
- Calm spouse.
- Think about dressing appropriately and pack light.
- Buy a water purifier.
- Get a phrase book and start practicing: "Namaste."
- Get lots of advice.

This is not a complete list, and it's just the practical stuff. I never imagined the hours that would go into planning and preparing for this trip. We are not going to bring a laptop with us, so we'll be at the mercy of hotel and internet cafe technology to keep the blog updated.

I'm very excited to meet the Patua and the Kondh, but we're still scratching our heads a little about the Bhopa. We hope to find some in Udaipur, or to arrange to travel to see them in the desert. That's where this guy, Sohan Lal Bhopa, lives. I think he might be the Keith Richards of Rajasthan.

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